Tuesday 30 July 2013

Day One!

Day 1
Great first day of the roadtrip- 870km travelled. Left Sydney at 6am and got through Sydney before peak hour. Once we got past Canberra turn off everything was unfamiliar.
It's flat and straight for hundreds of kilometres. We went hours without passing anyone or anyone passing us. The only vehicles on the road were trucks and car/caravans. It's a quiet part of the country but a lot prettier than we expected.

Long, straight & flat

Lunch/Milo Milkshake stop

 Passed through Wagga Wagga and Hay before arriving at Yanga National Park where we stayed the night.
Got excited when we saw our first wild emu but stopped counting them at 30. They were everywhere! Thankfully none too close to the road. Yanga NP is just out of Balranald and is a great place for an overnight stop.
There were 3 or 4 caravans sharing the area with us but we got our own little spot right by the Murrumbidgee River. It was a lovely spot and free. Fancy facilities too with toilet, basin, soap and hand towels!! The little things excite me when I'm camping!
The stars were incredible too- as your eyes adjusted to the dark you could see more & more. Chris got out the camera & tripod and got some great night sky long exposure photos.

It's day 2 now and I'm typing this in the car. We are heading to Mildura this morning and then over the border to SA where we will be staying at Melrose tonight which is in the Southern Flinders Ranges. Booked in to Bartagunyah Estate this evening which is a winery than also has camping and mountain bike trails- sounds like our sort of place!

Chris's night sky photos

Milky Way- amazing stars

Our style of camping!

So currently in NSW, will be in VIC in an hour and SA by this afternoon. All going well. Looking forward to seeing the girls on Saturday when they fly to Uluru to meet us.


  1. This is going to be so hard for me to follow - if only because it is something we dream of doing! Those night sky shots are AMAZING.

  2. LOVE the photos.. well done Chris!! I remember camping when I was about 20, somewhere in NSW, and my neck got so sore as I could NOT STOP looking at the amazing stars!!
    Glad you're on the blog already!! xxx

  3. PS Here's an idea for a star shot .. put the tripod a fair way away and you and Chris stand under the stars and dont move... my friends did a pic where they were kissing, so you can just make out the shape of them and then there's stars all above them.. amazing!
