Saturday, 24 August 2013

Kakadu- Part 2

Twin Falls

Our day trip to Twin Falls was an adventure. It is a 4WD track that has a river crossing. Our very first river crossing! The Prado did great- no dramas. It was 1 hour on a dirt road, then another hour on a single  track 4WD road, then a short boat ride through the gorge, followed by a rock scramble before eventually arriving at a very beautiful waterfall and waterhole. It reminded me a bit of the movie ‘The Beach’ in that it seemed like a hidden treasure that was hard to get to and not many people experience . We stayed for a while before heading back and doing it all in reverse. It was a really hot day and the only downside of the place is that you can’t swim there.
Here we go!
no turning back now
Can't see any crocs which is always good ;)
That was fun!

Greeted by another gorgeous gorge

a bit of a rock scramble
Twin Falls
Precious Caitlin

Well that was part 2 of Kakadu. There is still one more instalment. Will post again soon.


  1. Great pics, and love the adventure you're on!! Im pretty sure that we swam at twin falls many years ago... maybe someone got eaten in the meantime??!!

    1. Hi Megan- you could swim here until about 6 years ago apparently. No one got eaten but people were damaging the environment, ie disturbing turtle nests, leaving film of sunscreen on the water, so they closed it. They say it is because of croc risk but ranger and tour guides both said they haven't ever seen crocs in the area. But I'm not willing to take that risk! Also there was a $5500 fine so that is a big deterrent!

  2. Ah ok!! So I would have swum there.. glad to hear no one has been eaten. Unfortunately last week someone up near Darwin I think, was eaten.. think they were having a party and he was dared to swim in the river...
    Anyway, keep enjoying your AMAZING trip, Im loving following you around! xx
